eTALE Africa

WHAT:  eTALE Africa is a Teacher eLearning environment. The purpose is to support teachers and educators in teaching reading in selected sub-Saharan languages and supporting children who are struggling to learn to read. Here you can find concrete examples for good teaching practices (tips, videos and photos), assessment tools, computerized literacy learning games, theoretical background knowledge and research on reading and reading difficulties. Materials can be adapted to many other African languages and school contexts.

WHY: There are a vast number of children in sub-Saharan Africa that fail to read by grade 6 (SACMEQ III, 2010). Research findings show that learners benefit from using their home language in reading instruction in early school years. Children who learn to read in their mother tongue first are usually able to transfer these skills to a second language later on (Global Partnership for education, 2014).  Therefore there is an urgent need for high quality teaching and learning materials for literacy instruction. eTALE Africa aims to provide open access  materials to support teachers to enhance classroom practices in literacy learning and face the challenges such as struggling readers in multilingual classrooms.

FOR WHOM:  eTALE Africa eLearning materials are designed to support teacher students, teachers, special education teachers, teacher trainers, therapists and psychologists in teaching and assessing literacy in local languages. Materials can be used by teacher students as part of their preparations for practical teaching placements, teachers in schools or teacher trainers and lecturers in the teacher training colleges as a part of the curricula or in-service workshops for professional development. eTALE certificate will be available to those who have successfully gone through the required materials for certification.

BY WHOM: Literacy and teacher training experts from Finland, Kenya, Namibia, Tanzania and Zambia.



eTALE Africa is supported by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Niilo Mäki Foundation.

The copyrights of the materials belong to the authors, the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Finland and the Niilo Mäki Foundation. All materials are available free of charge. Parts of the materials can also be printed.