Training in spelling
- In order to spell well, children need to combine their knowledge of sound-letter relationships, their visual memory of how words look and their knowledge of words and word parts.
- Some children may have problems with letter-sound relationships. They can be helped by using the letter-sound relation tasks.
Writing with syllables in local language
The teacher can select a picture or some object. Ask the child to state what it is and to identify
the number of syllables by clapping their hands. The teacher selects some concrete objects to
represent each syllable. The teacher then asks what the first syllable is. When the child has
identified the syllable, the teacher asks what the first sound in the syllable is. The child writes
the letter of the first sound. After the child has written the letter, the teacher asks what the next
sound in the first syllable is. The teacher follows this method until the whole word is spelt
Example: The teacher wants the child to spell the word “impala”
- The teacher shows a picture of an impala.
- The teacher and the child count the number of syllables by clapping their hands.
- A concrete object represents each syllable.
- The teacher asks the child what the first syllable is, while pointing to the first object. (im)
- The teacher asks what the first sound in the syllable is and then the child writes it. (I).
- The teacher asks what the second sound is in the first syllable. (m).
- When the child has spelt the first syllable correctly, the teacher removes the object that represents it
and moves to the next syllable (pa) and follows the same procedure. (1-6).
The teacher can encourage the children to spell words aloud.
Example: Ask the children to spell their names, their friends’ names or the names of furniture in the
Sentence development
The teacher can tell stories or read to the children so that the children become familiar with
the structure of stories.
The teacher can also discuss how the sentence starts (with capital letter) and how it ends (full
The teacher can help children to get started by giving them key words of the sentence.
Example: the teacher gives the words ‘boy’, ‘walk’, school’ and the children write a sentence using these
The teacher can present a picture and ask the child to write some sentences about the picture.
Example: Present a picture of children playing and ask the child to write some sentences on what the
picture is about.
The teacher can have some sentences with words missing and a picture to represent the
missing word. This will help children develop their vocabulary.
Example: It is ___ (have a picture of rain).
The teacher can encourage the child to put his finger after writing each word, so that the child
does not write the words without spacing them.