eTALE Africa initiative learning environment introduction is coming soon.
The eTALE Africa initiative enhances teachers’ skills to teach literacy skills in local languages in sub-Saharan Africa. It supports teachers, special education teachers, therapists, and teacher educators offering evidence-based practices for literacy learning and instruction. Children and their parents will benefit from the improved quality of teaching reading.
Introduction about the eTale Maths section is coming soon.
Introduction about the eTale ECEC section is coming soon.
Explore eTALE Literacy, Maths or Early Childhood Education according to your interests and expertise.
Deepen your theoretical understanding of learning related topics with research-based materials such as articles and research briefs.
Make a teacher certificate survey to complement and certify your learning pathway as a teacher.
Most importantly, take your learnings into practice!
Concrete materials to support teaching practices.
Research-based knowledge.
Opportunities to grow your competence as a teacher.