eTale Literacy
Literacy Learning
Literacy Teaching
Reading difficulties
Supporting materials
Teacher Certification
About eTale Africa
eTale Maths
Learning mathematical skills
Maths teaching
Maths difficulties
Supporting materials
About eTale Africa
eTale Early Childhood Education
Developing child
Learning and teaching in ECEC
ECEC in Africa
Supporting materials
About eTale Africa
Learning mathematical skills
Early numerical skills
Basic maths skills
Advanced and applied maths skills
Problem solving
Maths language
Individual and enviromental factors related to maths development
Maths on the brain
Maths teaching
Evidence-based instruction in maths
Teaching early numerical skills
Teaching basic maths skills
Teaching advanced and applied maths skills
Teaching problem solving
Teaching maths language
Maths difficulties
Learning difficulties in maths
How to identify mathematical difficulties
What are the early predictors/risk indicators
Underlying individual and environmental factors
How to support
Supporting materials
Maths vocabulary
Research briefs
Additional reading
Practical tips