eTale Literacy
Literacy Learning
Literacy Teaching
Reading difficulties
Supporting materials
Teacher Certification
About eTale Africa
eTale Maths
Learning mathematical skills
Maths teaching
Maths difficulties
Supporting materials
About eTale Africa
eTale Early Childhood Education
Developing child
Learning and teaching in ECEC
ECEC in Africa
Supporting materials
About eTale Africa
Reading difficulties
Learning to read
Reading difficulties or dyslexia
Reading difficulties and dyslexia
How our genes and neurobiological factors and environment affect learning to read?
Why children struggle in reading: environmental factors
Orthographic structure of the language
Why children struggle in reading: within-child related factors
Genetic factors
Brain based factors
Motivational factors
Cognitive factors
How to help children with word reading difficulties
Identification of reading disabilities
Supporting materials
Research briefs
Additional reading
Practical tips
Video and audio library
Language Studio
Assessment tools for emergent literacy and reading difficulties
Literacy teaching
Child-centered teaching practices
Key factors in quality teaching and learning processes
Language modelling
Quality of feedback
Concept development
Instructional support (read more)
Instructional Learning Formats
Classroom Organization (read more)
Regard for Student Perspectives
Teacher Sensitivity
Negative climate
Behavior Management
Positive climate
Phonics-based instruction
Reading in local languages
Literacy activities
Teaching spelling and writing
Teaching adults to read
Reading and spelling assessment
Literacy in multilinguistic context
ICT and teaching
Literacy learning
Reading motivation
Pre-literacy skills
Reading comprehension
Spelling and Writing
Productive writing
Adult literacy
Important background factors