This review led to four major findings, as follows: in almost all cases, teaching of word meanings supported comprehension of text containing the target words; instruction that focused on some active processing was typically more impactful than a definition or a dictionary method for supporting comprehension of text containing target words; there is very limited evidence that direct teaching of word meanings can improve generalised comprehension; and there is currently no empirical evidence that instruction in one or two strategies for identifying word meanings will impact generalised comprehension.
Authors: Tanya S. Wright & Gina N. Cervetti
Source: Wright, T.S. & Cervetti, G.N. (2016). A systematic review of the research on vocabulary instruction that impacts text comprehension. Reading Research Quarterly, 52(2), 203-226. DOI: 10.1002/rrq.163
This study comprised a systematic review of vocabulary interventions with comprehension outcomes. Analyses of 36 studies that met criteria are organised according to type of comprehension measure and type of intervention. The review led to four major findings: in almost all cases, teaching of word meanings supported comprehension of text containing the target words; instruction that focused on some active processing was typically more impactful than a definition or a dictionary method for supporting comprehension of text containing the target words; there is very limited evidence that direct teaching of word meanings can improve generalised comprehension; and there is currently no empirical evidence that instruction in one or two strategies for identifying word meanings will impact generalised comprehension.
Hypotheses about the relationship between vocabulary and comprehension
The study
This study reviewed research about vocabulary interventions that may impact comprehension.
The goals of this study were:
The data
The review consisted of 36 vocabulary intervention studies with passage comprehension as outcomes.