Teacher Certification


    This Teacher Certification module was developed to give You feedback, how well You master the research-based content of Literacy learning, Literacy teaching and Reading difficulties. If you successfully complete the module, you will receive a Certificate of Completion that enhances Your professional development.

    How to start?

    Before you start to study eTALE Africa learning content, we highly recommend You do first a “pretest” by answering 40 random multiple-choice questions. Note that there is only one correct answer for each question (a, b, c or d). You will have one hour to complete the pretest. After answering to all 40 questions, you will receive immediate feedback how well You did.

    How to do the test?

    If You already are an expert in the content and receive at least 70% (28 out of 40 questions correct) in the pretest, you will automatically receive the Certificate to your email. You can save and print it as a demonstration of your knowledge in literacy learning and teaching and reading difficulties.

    What if I do not get 70% in pretest?

    If You don’t get 70% in the pretest, do not worry. The “pretest” is the starting point of eTALE Africa eLearning environment! When You have gone through and studied the content, you can do the “post-test” or “final examination”. You can do the test as many times as you like. But note the questions will not be the same or in same order.

    When You have answered correctly least to 28 questions (that is 70% and above), the Certificate is send to Your email.

    Parts of the eTALE Africa content may seem challenging and the test might not be an easy task! But remember, You can always read a little bit more and do the test again.

    Ready? Let´s go!

    If you want to do the pretest now, please continue below.


    Certification test

    Teacher certification test

    User data for teacher certification test

    1 / 40

    Category: Literacy learning

    1. Which of the following is NOT one of the roles of an efficient reader?

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    Category: Literacy learning

    2. The best literacy teaching method for beginning reading is:

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    Category: Literacy learning

    3. What would be a good starting point for teaching letter sounds?

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    Category: Literacy learning

    4. A transparent language has the following characteristics:

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    Category: Literacy learning

    5. Examples of phoneme manipulation include:

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    Category: Literacy learning

    6. Which of these does NOT make a child a good reader?

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    Category: Literacy learning

    7. To increase reading motivation, it is important that:

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    Category: Literacy learning

    8. Which one of these is NOT related to rapid naming problems?

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    Category: Literacy learning

    9. To become a good reader, it is important that a child:

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    Category: Literacy learning

    10. A delay in expressive vocabulary (late talking) at the age of 2–2.5 years predicts:

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    11. Which of the following is an example of a communication mode?

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    12. Which of the following is NOT a dimension of multilingual pedagogy?

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    13. Multiliteracy pedagogy acknowledges learners:

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    14. Multilingualism:

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    15. Which of the following is NOT a level at which phonological awareness is taught?

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    16. Metalinguistic awareness and development begins:

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    17. A pre-primary school teacher orally presents learners with pairs of words (e.g., buy/tie, see/saw) and has learners identify whether the words rhyme or not. Next, she says a list of one-syllable words and asks learners to point to a part of the body that rhymes with each word (e.g., the teacher says bed, and the learners point to their heads). These activities promote learners’ reading development primarily by:

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    18. Which of the following best describes the primary purpose and function of a classroom reading assessment?

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    19. Emotional support in teaching means that:

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    20. Child-centred teaching means that:

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    21. Which of these allows writers to write content that is readable and understandable?

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    22. How can you help adult learners become fluent in reading?

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    23. Why do not adult learners spend all day learning, as children do?

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    24. When assessing reading and spelling:

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    25. How should a teacher NOT help children with spelling difficulties?

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    26. Developing good handwriting:

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    27. When comparing handwriting and typing:

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    28. When spelling in transparent languages (e.g., bantu languages):

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    29. Which of the following is NOT regarded as a literacy activity for young children?

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    Category: Literacy teaching

    30. A benefit of using messaging apps (e.g.WhatsApp) in teaching is:

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    Category: Reading difficulties

    31. To preventing reading difficulties:

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    Category: Reading difficulties

    32. Part-time special education in grades one and two:

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    Category: Reading difficulties

    33. For very young children, the reading environment in the home is strongly linked to their emergent literacy skills before entering school. Which of these is NOT an important aspect of the home literacy environment:

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    Category: Reading difficulties

    34. A reading disorder is a developmental disorder that is characterised by reading achievement (i.e., accuracy, speed, and comprehension) being significantly below standards expected for which of the following:

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    Category: Reading difficulties

    35. Which of the following is INCORRECT based on research? Fundamental principles for interventions for word-level reading difficulties include:

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    Category: Reading difficulties

    36. Effective interventions for students with learning difficulties typically:

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    Category: Reading difficulties

    37. The main idea of a multi-tiered system of support in instruction is that:

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    Category: Reading difficulties

    38. Based on neuroimaging studies:

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    Category: Reading difficulties

    39. Based on genetic studies of dyslexia, we know that:

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    Category: Reading difficulties

    40. In shallow and transparent orthographies:

    Your score is
