Home Literacy Environment – read more 3

  • Shared Book Reading. Early research on the home environment and literacy development in many societies has examined the practice of joint-book reading between parent and child and its influence on literacy outcomes. Researchers identify that “Shared book reading speaks of love, the importance of the family unit, and parental commitment to a child’s future” (Whitehurst & Lonigan, 1998, p. 848). Some of the reasons that make this activity important for literacy development relates to the exposure to books which prepares the child for literacy, familiarizes children with print and enhances interest in books.
  • Furthermore, shared book reading may advance to the text, conversations, questions, and comments between parent and child (Dickinson & Tabors, 2001). Although a dominantly western concept, results from the shared reading activities may be encouraged to explore different ways in which African children may be exposed to literacy artefacts within the home.